Gambling Addiction Treatment

The Relationship Between Gambling and Substance Abuse

Overcoming Compulsive Gambling

If you’re struggling with gambling addiction or know a loved one or friend who can’t seem to quit, seeking treatment is a crucial first step in gaining control over your life and moving away from a gambling habit. In fact, gambling can have the same level of impact and distress on a person’s life as drugs or alcohol, and it can be extremely hard to resist. We offer counseling, treatment and a new direction that will fit your specific situation. Nobody recovers alone, but together, with Livengrin, you can overcome gambling addiction.

Pathological vs Problem Gambling: What’s the Difference?

All levels of compulsive gambling need to be treated, as both types can spiral into further destructive and addictive patterns.

2 million

approximate number of U.S. adults who meet criteria for pathological gambling every year.* That’s 1% of adults in the country.

4-6 million

Number of adults estimated to problem gamblers.* That’s 2 to 3% of adults in the U.S.

* source: PA Council on Gambling Addiction

Types of Gambling

Gambling addiction takes many different forms. Along with more “traditional” kinds of gambling or betting, such as casinos or sports betting, lottery, raffles, and even fantasy sports, are all areas that can trigger problematic gambling. The recent legalization of online gambling and betting allows for even more access and exposure to potentially harmful practices. This trend has caused an explosion of gambling addiction problems in every state in the country.

The Relationship Between Gambling and Substance Abuse

Gambling Recovery

It may be hard to understand the appeal that gambling has over someone with a problem—even if that person is yourself. The thrill of the bet, gambling, or winning alters your mood significantly between extreme highs and lows. But just as tolerance increases with drug or alcohol use, you probably find that it takes more and more of the gambling experience to achieve the same emotional effect as before. Soon, gambling becomes coupled with personal, professional, and financial issues. At this point, you have a problem that needs to be addressed professionally.

Many compulsive gamblers turn to substance abuse to cope with the problems they are encountering as a result of gambling. Conversely, many people in recovery from substance abuse turn to other addictive patterns such as gambling. This is why compulsive gambling treatment is so important, especially early on.

Signs of Gambling Addiction

The signs of compulsive gambling can appear subtle, especially at the beginning of addiction. If you or a loved one exhibit any of these signs, call Livengrin for a consultation.

Gambling Recovery

Program Overview

Livengrin focuses on providing extensive support, treatment and resources to gambling addicted patients as well as their families.

Livengrin has Level 1 and/or Level 2 certified gambling counselors on staff at our six gambling addiction rehab centers across the region. We offer patients one-on-one and group counseling in a professional and confidential setting.

We stand by our patients through the process of self-exclusion, and we even aim to provide resources for uninsured and under-insured patients.

Our admissions team is available any time 24/7 to answer any questions you may have.